
Earn Extra Cash!

Join The BuildASign Affiliate Program

By becoming a BuildASign affiliate, you can earn up to 12% in commission on each order generated from your website. Our affiliate program offers one of the highest commission rates in the industry, dedicated support at all times, and quality products your customers will appreciate.

Sign Up Below with One of Our Partners Today!

LinkConnector >>

Affiliate Program Highlights

  • 8-12% Tiered Commission Rate
  • $99 Aver Order Size
  • 30 Day Cookie - Unlimited Action Occurrences
  • Promotions & seasonal sales sent to your inbox weekly
  • Banner ads, text links, and more available for advertising
  • Live on CJ and LinkConnector

How It Works

  1. Register your website on CJ or Link Connector.
  2. Once registered, search for "buildasign" and apply to our program.
  3. Give us 48 hours to review your application.
  4. Once approved, you can start earning cash!
  5. Place a banner or text link in a visible location on your website. Preferably above the fold.

Example Offers

These banners are examples of BuildASign promotions that you can advertise on your own website. Sign up for the affiliate program to gain access to all live promotions, text links, and creative content.

Frequently Asked Question

An affiliate program is a revenue sharing program where the affiliate (that’s you!) drives traffic to a merchant’s site (that’s us!). You include banner and text links on your site promoting our site and current deals.

When one of your visitors clicks on your affiliate link and completes a purchase, you earn commission on that sale. It’s that simple! We run our program through CJ and Link Connector which track your sales, sends monthly payments, and makes our partnership smooth sailing.

Read below for some FAQ and don't hesitate to reach out to us at with any pending inquiries.

How much can I earn in commission?
Commissions are 8-12% on net sales. If you are a proven affiliate or give us exclusive exposure on your site, we can negotiate higher commissions. Net sales exclude sales tax and shipping/processing fees.
How can I track my sales?
You can easily track sales through the CJ or Link Connector interface. You can pull reports on sales, clicks, and impressions with a few clicks of your mouse!
How do I know how much commission I’ve earned?
You can access reports through CJ or Link Connector that will give you real time updates on how much commission you’ve earned. These stats are updated daily.
How and when am I paid out for any sales?
Commissions are paid out through CJ and Link Connector on a monthly basis.
Does it cost me anything to sign up?
No! There is no fee or minimum sales requirement.
Do I have to sign up on both networks?
No. It is only necessary to sign up on one network so it’s your choice!
Can a website outside of the U.S. be a BuildASign affiliate?
YES- we accept affiliate from anywhere. However, if you are an affiliate located in a state affected by the Affiliate Nexus Tax Laws, we will not be able to approve your request. These states currently include: AR, CA, CT, GA, IL, KS, MA, ME, MN, MO, NC, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VT. The states listed are subject to change at our discretion. See program terms for the latest information as they will always be up to date. CA affiliate can sign a non-solicitation agreement with us and still become an affiliate. Contact us for more details!
What are my responsibilities as an affiliate?
There are no set responsibilities we hold affiliates accountable for. Most sites will qualify to join our program. However, we have the right to refuse acceptance for any reason.
I don’t have a website. Can I still apply?
No. In order for us to accept you as an affiliate, we must be able to view your website.
If I have multiple websites, do I need to apply for them separately?
No. You can manage all sites under one account.
Can a nonprofit or blogger sign up?
Yes! We encourage both to sign up. Just about anybody can be an affiliate – whether you have a large commercial site, small blog, or nonprofit site, we welcome all partners.
Where should I place the links on my site?
Place links where they are easy for your site visitors to see. We suggest exposure on your homepage, navigation bar, email inclusions, etc. Since we update promotions regularly, make sure to change out banner and text ads as needed.
Who takes care of customer service issues?
Our customer service team will take care of any questions or concerns your customers have once purchasing our products.
What about product returns?
Any orders that have been canceled or refunded will get reversed within the network before sales are locked for the month.
Do I make commission on my own purchases?
Yes! When you buy products from us by linking through your affiliate links, you earn the same commission that you would from a visitor's purchase.
Can I create my own storefront with pre-loaded templates and designs?
Absolutely! Unfortunately, this business solution partnership does not fall under the affiliate program and typically doesn’t include commission. You can email to follow up with any questions you may have or get started on your own business solution page!
Do you offer wholesale pricing?
For more information on wholesale pricing, please email
Where do I sign up?
Sign up for CJ or Link Connector by clicking one of the buttons above.
I’m signed up, now what?
Now we are officially partners! Keep an eye out on your inbox weekly for promotions that will be live, and find standard banners and text links you can start posting immediately. Those promotions are evergreen sales we have live year round. Also feel free to email with any pending questions.